Monday, March 13, 2017

Facebook Job Feature - Measuring Impressions

For three weeks now, I've been measuring the impact of an un-boosted Facebook post using the new Job Post feature. Now keep in mind, at the time of this writing, the BuildLocal.Biz Facebook page only has 51 likes.

I setup the job posting as follows:

Position Name: Social Media Marketing
Position Description: Since this is a brand new feature, I wanted to post and see what kind of reach this actually provides for potential employers. Can you help me out and hit "Like" if you see this, or possibly even fill out a test job application?

Without boosting the post, in three weeks the post reached the following metrics:

People Reached: 40
Likes (people who actually read the description): 13
Submitted Applications: 9
Submitted Applications who didn't understand it was a test: 4
Messages from others promoting their own business instead: 1

Given that BuildLocal.Biz has 51 likes, this is an impression of 78% of the page audience.
Approximately 25% of the page audience read the test post and hit "like"

Overall, I feel that is a pretty decent return on a free posting.

It's worth noting, as with any Facebook post, job postings can also be boosted. For $20, this post could reach 2,100 - 5,400 people, for one day. By contrast, Indeed allows users to boost job posts for $5 per day, but only makes you pay when someone views the job posting.

So, for small businesses, posting your jobs openings on Facebook may be an excellent supplemental method of obtaining applications, but I would recommend not to rely on it as your only source.

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