Friday, April 28, 2017

Five Advantages of Starting a Network Marketing Business

Too often, network marketing gets a bad rap. Why? There are many possible reasons, such as lack of proper training, shady companies (which are rarer than you think), and misleading expectations resulting in disappointing results. However, the biggest challenge is overcoming the mindset we are all given since childhood.

Go to school, get good grades, get a good job, save for retirement. Sound familiar?

Why is it that when you post on social media that you got a new job, over a hundred people congratulate you, but when you post that you've started your own business in a network marketing company, five people comment, and at least two of those comments are something to the effect of "it's a pyramid scheme!" You find out quickly from your friends who actually supports you, and it's really sad. By the way, the best way to tell if a business is a pyramid scheme or not, is ask if you can make money without recruiting. If you can't make money without recruiting others, steer clear.

I'll be upfront - none of my family are customers of my business. I've had friends signup then cancel a few months, and in one case only a week later. Running your own business is filled with disappointment, and that disappointment is what causes a lot of network marketers to throw in the towel. All too often, network marketers chasing "quick sales" paint a misleading picture of instant overnight success, and when that doesn't happen, the new recruit quits.

Most people would have quit by now, but I refuse to quit. Why do I refuse to quit? There are just too many advantages!

  1. Tax benefits - I get to claim business expenses on my taxes! This is one of the things where new network marketers lose sight - they forget that non-inventory expenses can be deducted from their taxes.
  2. Personal development - I've learned so much on how to better communicate with people, and give better presentations. I've had co-workers compliment me on the skills I've learned through attending the training sessions provided by the network marketing company I'm involved with.
  3. Contacts - Being a business owner opens new doors and opportunities. I regularly attend business owner mixer and happy hour events, and get to meet with a lot of other business owners!
  4. Extra income - As long as I continue to do income producing activity, I do get income! It might not always be as much income as I'd like, but it has helped supplement my full time job, especially since I recently took a pay cut so I could work closer to home.
  5. Positive impact - I have the opportunity to make a positive impact in other people's lives, and give them a hand-up, not a hand-out, to help with their current financial situation.

By the way, I'll be launching my FREE Build Your Business Mastermind Program soon! If you'd like to join the program, fill out the signup form!